The Knights Of Pythias 
The Knights of Pythias is a fraternal organization founded in Washington, DC on 19 February 1864, dedicated to "the cause of universal peace" and "pledged to the promotion of understanding among men of good will." Pythian lodges were organized in Louisiana by the late 1860s, but most of the lodges disbanded in the 1870s in the face of controversy over admitting African-American members. (The order's membership was originally restricted to white males.) The New Orleans lodge reorganized in 1876 and in 1880, an organization called "The Supreme Lodge Knights of Pythias, North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa" was founded; it reserved its membership to Blacks and Asians.
The Knights of Pythias was the first fraternal organization to receive a charter under an act of the United States Congress (approved May 5, 1870 [16 Stat. at L. 98, chap. 80]). It was founded by Justus H. Rathbone, who had been inspired by a play by the Irish poet John Banim about the legend of Damon and Pythias. This legend illustrates the ideals of loyalty, honor and friendship that are central to the order.
Abraham Lincoln and Our Ritual
The Order began, of course, during the Civil War, and its founder believed that it might do much to heal the wounds and allay the hatred of civil conflict. President Abraham Lincoln, being advised of the contents of the ritual and its teaching, said: "The purposes of your organization are most wonderful. If we could but bring its spirit to all our citizenry, what a wonderful thing it would be. It breathes the spirit of Friendship, Charity and Benevolence. It is one of the best agencies conceived for the upholding of government, honoring the flag, for the reuniting of our brethren of the North and of the South, for teaching the people to love one
another, and portraying the sanctity of the home and loved ones. I would suggest that these great principles by perpetuated and that you go to the Congress of the United States and ask for a charter, and so organize on a great scale throughout this nation, and disseminate this wonderful work that you have so nobly started. I will do all in my power to assist you in this application and with your work."
The suggestion made by the President was adopted. An application was made to Congress for a charter, and the Order of Knights of Pythias was the first American Order ever chartered by an Act of the Congress of the United States.
In the Order's ritualistic work, every sentence has a meaning and every paragraph a beautiful and inspiring lesson. The flag of the country has an honored place at every meeting and the Holy Bible is the supreme Book of Law. The Order does not seek to shape any man's creed, but Pythianism is the practical application of religious and charitable principles to every day life. We have a heritage of which we are proud and our precepts and teachings lead men to higher ideals of life. We invite like minded men of good character to join us in making these ideals the dominant factor in modern living.
The Fraternal Order of Knights of Pythias promotes cooperation and friendship between people of good will.
Pythians know one way to happiness is through service to mankind.
Pythians believe that friendship is an essential ingredient in life.
Pythians make Benevolence, Kindness, Generosity and Tolerance a reality in their lives.
Pythians place home ties at the top of their priority list.
Pythians are interested in public affairs on the local, state or province, national and international levels.
Pythians are eager to enhance the communities in which they live.
Pythians respect and honor the law of the land in which they live.
Pythians seek to expand their circle of influence by association with people of like interests and energy.
The Knights of Pythias in New Orleans
The Knights of Pythias in New Orleans starte as a Temple of The Supreme Lodge Knights of Pythias, North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. The Lodge for many years only
accepted black applicants and tended to exclude whites from their events.
Since the 1889 split, the rules have loosened up significantly and the Lodge was fully integrated by the fall of 1900.
The Knights of Pythias Temple is located in the Back of Town region and is well known for hosting lavish balls and regal events.