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History of the Golden DawnI - Before the G.D. 1810 - Johann F. Falk is supposed to have succeeded to the directorate of a secret Society of Students of the Kabbalah – this is loosely identified with the School established by Francis Barrett around 1816. Frederick Hockley, who was a member of the S.R.I.A., was taught by a pupil of Francis Barrett 1824 – Frederick Hockley experiments with crystal gazing, begins career in esotericism 1828 - Francis George Irwin born 1840 Chuch of the Carmel - an esoteric Rosicrucian Order, founded in France 1842 - Lord Bulwer-Lytton publishes Zanoni 1850 - Lord Bulwer Lytton is supposed to have been admitted to a Lodge at Frankfurt-an-Main 1854 - Eliphas Levi visits London (1854 and 1861) 1861 - Eliphas Levi visits London (1854 and 1861) 1861 - Kenneth MacKenzie visited Eliphas Levi in Paris 1864 - Frederick Hockley joins British Masonic Lodge No. 8 1865-66 - Robet Wentworth Little found some old Rosicrucian Papers and founded the S.R.I.A. - Westcott implies he collaborated with Kenneth R. H. MacKenzie. John Hervey, the Grand Secretary of the United Grand Lodge of England (the standard "non-esoteric" or Orthodox Masonic Temple in the U.K.) was Kenneth MacKenzie's uncle 1867 - S.R.I.A. – Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia – founded by Robert Wentworth Little (1840-78). Westcott later claimed that Kenneth MacKenzie provided Little with a permission from Count Apponyi in Austria, from whom MacKenzie is supposed to have received “Rosicrucian Initiation” 1870 - Kenneth MacKenzie joins a conventional English Masonic Lodge, Oak Lodge, No. 190 1872 - Kenneth MacKenzie is made an Honorary member of S.R.I.A. 1872 - Royal Oriental Order of Sikha (Apex) and the Sat B'hai, supposedly imported from India. The order admits women. It is controlled by Jonathan Yarker, who was known for spawning “bogus” – or at least very irregular - Masonic Orders. 1873, 24 April - Eliphas Levi is made an honorary member of S.R.I.A. 1874 - Kenneth MacKenzie is made Assistant Secretary of the S.R.I.A 1875 - Frederick Holland is elected to the Metropolitan College of the S.R.I.A. and Kenneth MacKenzie resigns from the S.R.I.A. 1875 - Madame Helena P. Blatavsky and Colonel H. S. Olcott form Theosophical Society in New York 1877 - Blatavsky publishes Isis Unveiled 1878 - Robert Wentworth Little dies. Dr. W. R. Woodman succeeds him as Supreme Magus of the S.R.I.A. 1880 - Dr. William Wynn Westcott joins the S.R.I.A. 1881 - The Occult World published by A.P. Sinnett is popular in England, and introduces the concept of Theosophy which is already popular in America. 1883 - An elite esoteric masonic organization called The Society of Eight, is founded by Kenneth MacKenzie. Notables such as Francis George Irwin and Frederick Holland were members. It is unclear whether Hockley was a member. In a note to F.G. Irwin, MacKenzie says that Stainton Moses (a noted Spiritist) and William Wynn Westcott were not to be admitted. It is unclear whether Westcott was eventually invited to join, or even whether the organization ever really came into existence. 1883 - Anna Kingsford President of London Lodge of the Theosophical Society - at this time a very small and insignificant organization. 1884 - the Theosophical Society is embarrassed by alleged trickery uncovered at Adyar during investigation by Richard Hodgson of the Society for Psychical Research 1884 - Anna Kingsford resigns, forms Hermetic Society. Westcott and Mathers both lecture there. 1884 - A Grand Council of Allied Masonic Degrees is formed in England, which to coordinate, to some extent, the various "side degrees" of Masonry including the S.R.I.A. Submission was voluntary and virtually none of these organizations actually applied to the Grand Council. The Grand Council did not extend its authority to firmly embrace these "side degrees" until 1902, by which time there was little interest in them. 1884 - The Rosicrucian/Christian Martinist Order in France, which has existed irregularly since the turn of the century is given a constitution and formally organized along modern lines. 1885 10 November - Frederick Hockley dies 1886, 3 July - Kenneth MacKenzie dies. Swedenborgian Rite - Westcott active became Grand Secretary after Kenneth MacKenzie's death in 1886. Collected his loose papers, probably including the cipher manuscripts. 1887, 23 December - A.F.A.Woodford dies 1888 - Stanislas de Guita forms Rose+Cross in France 1888 - February 2, Anna Kingsford dies from chronic lung disease
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